Sunday, September 18, 2011

St. Petersburg

I got the chance to get away for the weekend and finally got up to St. Petersburg. Amazing city. I took tons of pictures and wont try and pick 5 favorites here, but here is the link and you can see them all.

Link to Pictures

The city is part Moscow, part Venice, part Florence, but entirely unique. The palaces are unlike anything I have ever seen. Dont know that I have more words to describe it, but the pictures probably speak for themselves.

Also a weekend of firsts for me. First time on a train (took an overnight 7 hour train to St. Petersburg) sleeping in a train car with 3 strangers. Then my first hostel experiance, add 7 more strangers to the shared sleeping quarters list. It was a fun trip but lonely, would have had more fun with Jen and the kids but maybe a Baltic cruise lies in our future and we can get back someday. It was a good weekend though and now to polish off the last 5 weeks in Moscow and get back home.

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