Thursday, November 28, 2013

Fall Ball Party

Trophy night after the season is always something to look forward to.

Can you read 1st grade?

Can you read first grade?

In case it's a bit fuzzy it's a note from Scott to Eric:
"I want you to put on my favorite song on my head phones dad.  Scott"


Halloween 2013 began in a down pour.  Would it stop for trick-or-treating.  Stop it did late in the afternoon so this witch and guy-in-black-costume-with-red-eyes could go get some candy!

Friends on the street.  Everyone was done with pictures and ready to start trick-or-treating.

Pumpkins, round 2

As was mentioned previously the pumpkins were thoroughly cleaned before carving.

Silly boy.  You put your pumpkin innards in Sydney's pumpkin instead of the bowl!

How did daddy do?  The side-by-side comparison of pumpkin and picture.

Fort Worth Football

A little backyard football.

This helps you see just how big our puppy is now.

 There's no playing nice with little sister.

At least full tackle football ends in roll on the ground laughter.

Check out the face on that guy!

She didn't know she was getting her picture taken but it sure seems like she is putting a show on for the camera.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Pumpkin Glam

In October we visited Fort Worth and brought our pumpkins with to decorate.  This was the first year we did not visit the pumpkin patch.  At least it wasn't a grocery store purchase.  We did go to the yard store.  
I made a slight effort.

The finished product...  
**side note: ALL decorations were removed (paint included) several days later for carving.  It's all about the process not the product, right?