Tuesday, December 31, 2013


In first grade they have an ABC Feast where every child has a letter and brings something that starts with that letter.  They present their letter, food and share why it's good to give.  Scott chose H for ham.  Usually kids pick the first letter of their name or a letter that has some meaning but he just wanted H for ham.  He practiced his card, did great during the group practice but read his card like this for the real thing.

Thanksgiving was spent at home with just our family.  The kids requested some pilgrim hats.

We started a new tradition.  Each year the kids will add their hand print to the table runner at Thanksgiving.

And the birthday fun continues...

Sydney got an easy bake oven for her birthday and whipped up lots of treats for us to sample.  This girl loves to cook and bake.  Hey anything to have her take over in the kitchen one day in the future.  :o)

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Sydney's Party

 This year it was at a gymnastics gym.  She had a blast!

Sydney turns 5!

She had been counting down in some form of another for 200+ days.  The concept of time was still quite abstract.  There were a lot of tears shed between 100-150 days to go.  We made it to November 18, 2013 birthday number 5.