Thursday, May 31, 2012

End of the Season

We've had our last t-ball practice.
The t-ball party has happened.  Trophies have been distributed but...
the last game is Saturday.  

So things were a bit out of order this year.  The last game was rained out and Saturday's is a make-up.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The night the Rangers came to town...

The Rangers were in town playing the Astros.

We took in a little bit of batting practice.

Sydney went to town on a helmet filled with popcorn.

And we walked away with 4 XL T-shirts!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Scott's Graduation

Scott had a little graduation a few weeks ago at the end of his school year.
There were only 4 boys in his class this year (one of these boys is a brother, boy #4 is not pictured) so I think they had a chance to really bond.

Grandpa and Judy happened to be in town for the festivities.

For the first part of the ceremony, each student's name was called and they went on stage for their trophy and class picture.

Then they marched back out and came back in to sing some songs.

There were several yawns throughout the program.  I guess it was a busy day...

Sydney did a little light reading on the way home.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

An excuse for a picture...

All dressed up for Scott's preschool graduation just gets me itching to take a few pictures in hopes that I capture at least one sweet moment.

It doesn't get much better than reading Hulk with your brother.  This girl may look like a girly girl on the outside but she can hang with the guys any old day.

School's Out for Summer!

Pre-K is over and we now have a kindergartener on our hands.  Scott had a great first year of school and I couldn't of asked for more loving and patient teachers for him.

They made hand print and finger print t-shirts as a keepsake.

And of course had yummy preschooler food!

Saturday, May 19, 2012


"Mommy!" is a very popular word around here.  It usually means where is something, can I have something, I need help or various other hidden meanings.

The other day Sydney asked for some shorts to go under her dress and I said they were in the laundry basket...

She was independent enough to look on her own yet throwing all the clothes out of the basket distracted her from actually finding what she needed and Mommy did have to come to the rescue in the end.

Mother's Day 2012

 Scott had a Mother's Day Tea at his preschool for me and...

then it was off to Fort Worth for Mother's Day with mommies, grandmas, aunties and mommies-to-be!

In the backyard...

There's lots of fun to be had in Memaw and Papaw's backyard...especially when it's nice and cool which it was Mother's Day weekend.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Baby Shower

Katy, my sister-in-law, had her baby shower this past weekend in Dallas.
While the ladies headed off to the shower...

The guys headed off to the Ranger game.

Yea! for baby boy (cousin, nephew) Maier coming soon!

If I had glasses...

Scott has asked me quite a bit lately if he'll need glasses when he grows up.  I hope not but the odds are definitely against him.

They tried on a few adult pairs this weekend...

1. First up Memaws's

2. Papaw's spectacles
(a little unsteady)

3.  Mommy's and Memaw's

Monday, May 14, 2012

Nana visit

Nana paid us a little visit on her way to Dallas a few weekends ago...

Park Picture Withdrawal

We headed up to Fort Worth this past weekend and while we were there, took in a new park.
Feeling park picture withdrawal, since Russia, I snapped a few.

Big brother was more than willing to spin his sister...lucky girl!


The highlight of the park: the massive rain puddle.