Monday, October 31, 2011


Trick-or-Treat!!  Sydney was not shy about announcing her presence this Halloween.  She would even yell, "Happy Halloween!" as she ran away from the door, ready for the next house.

After a trip around the block we passed out candy.
Scott is waiting for the "customers."

fight over a tootsie pop

Alrighty, let's see what we've got.   

Not a bad haul.  
Toothbrushes and lots of chocolate.  Mommy has already put a dent on that chocolate :o)  I mean somebody has to take care of Sydney's chocolate since she doesn't like it.

zoo boo 2011

We headed out to the zoo today with our friends for the annual zoo boo.
Not too many animals were seen but lots of Halloween fun was had!

This year Sydney is Sleeping Beauty or perhaps a sportier version of Sleeping Beauty if Sleeping Beauty were to be sporty.  She's bringing along Optimus Prime, a transformer.

We played some games, won some prizes.

Colored a few pumpkins.

Attempted group photos.

Made new friends.

Visited all the zoo stations in order to receive the grand prize...drum roll please...a spider ring!
Woo hoo!

Now the kids are resting for round two tonight...stay tuned for more photos of Sleeping Beauty and Optimus Prime.  

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pumpkin Carving

Why do you carve a pumpkin?
It is a nice family tradition.
Secretly I carve them for the pumpkin seeds :o)

Mom and dad were up to their arm pits with pumpkin guts while Scott and Sydney only dared to let a finger touch.  Actually I'm amazed that Eric was able to get a picture since it was such a quick touch!

This year the kids chose to have a "Boo" faced pumpkin.


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fall is flying by

Where in the world did October go? 

The weather finally got cooler so there have been lots of trips to the park.  Sydney is collecting rocks and acorns.

I worked up enough courage to tackle sugar cookies.  Chocolate and vanilla to please both tasters.

The sun is coming up later or perhaps this was a cloudy morning.  Either way it was finally dark enough in the house to bring out the light table again.  This time we mixed colors.

Some of us observed them very carefully...

It's done

Yippee!  The pool is finished.  Most members of the family have swam in the pool.  Some are waiting until appropriate pool swimming weather.

Despite the cold, floaties have been worn and boats have been sailed.

Toes have taken a dip and feet have splashed until they are too cold to splash anymore.

Polar bear swimming is now open at the Maier's.  Bring your suit and jump in if you dare!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


If that's what you called what the kids did yesterday than yes, they have had their first official swim in the pool.  Yesterday they surfaced the pool and began filling it.  It is now completely filled today and we are SO close to the end I can hardly stand it.  I am constantly looking out the window to see if there are people cleaning up the mess outside.  I want to go outside again.

Doesn't feel too cold.  "Mom, can I put my swimsuit on?"

Ally is in heaven.  Concrete + sun = a wonderful dog afternoon

Monday, October 17, 2011

weekend visitors

This weekend Laura, a good friend I've known since first grade, and her girls, Marin and Colette came to visit.  So there were kids ages: 4 1/2, 3 1/2, almost 3 and almost 2 in the house.  

There was some craziness but a lot of fun!  

We ventured to the beach Saturday afternoon...


a little bit of wave jumping

Cookie cheers!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Rain, rain, yay for rain!

Last Sunday it rained.  It rained ALL day.  
It was a perfect lazy rainy Sunday.

Scott is a little camera shy while he's sporting Sydney's boots.

Forget the boots.  Who needs shoes anyways!

Well actually Scott does.  He said the concrete was sharp.  Oh my sweet, sensitive boy.

Ally is standing guard.  You caught her during one of her brief periods without a shirt!  If you look closely on the stairs you will spy jack.  I just missed taking a photo with both pets peeking out the door.

There was enough water in the street to float bark down to the gutter.

Good times had by all!