Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Botanical Gardens

We have a botanical gardens right by our hotel--no subway required :o)
Since it's late in the summer there weren't too many flowers but lots of paths, trees and other plants.  It was a nice place to spend some time outdoors and let the kids run around.

They were not cooperting for the photos today so beware of silly faces.



I ask Sydney to give Scott a hug and he goes for the choke hold.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Kolomenskoye Park

One more big park to hit before we go home, Kolomenskoye Park.
This palace is a reconstruction of one Tsar Alexis I had built in the mid 17th century.  I'm not sure about the reconstruction but the original had 250 rooms, built with no saws, nails or hooks.


We started at the top of the hill and winded our way down. 

We paused for a game of frisbee.

Restrooms were non-existant.

Views over looking the river where we eventually ended our walk.

An old cemetary we passed through 

Down, down we go!

Leave it to the boy to discover another creek.  This one was icy cold!

An apple a day

When we were out at the park today we stumbled upon an apple orchard along the path.  Everyone was shaking trees, throwing apples, scrounging the ground and filling their bags with apples.

We joined the masses.
First you had to scout out the perfect apple.

Next you climbed the tree.

And finally you reached for that delicious beauty.

Tart but delicious!

The preferred method for our group was throwing a bad apple at the good apple in hopes of knocking it down.  We walked away with 8 (minus 4 eaten).
They are slightly bruised from their fall from the tree but straight from the orchard.  It doesn't get better than that!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Can you handle more park photos?

The weather is wonderful!  We Texans are definitely being spoiled this year by spending the hottest part of our Texas summer out here where the highs this week are in the 70's.

Wood slide.

I want all this in my backyard.

This boy was head to toe dirt when he got done with the mini river. 
It's what every boy (and girl) should look like after a good time outdoors. 
I will say his sister didn't look much better but for some reason she can play in the dirt just as much and do the exact same things but still come out cleaner than him.

Moscow Zoo

The trip we've all been waiting for...the zoo!!

Boy the zoo was a zoo today!  I think every child in Moscow was there.

 You really got a taste at the difference in culture.  People pushing to see the exhibits. More high heels and fancy dresses than not.  Toys, balloons and rides for the children EVERYWHERE!  When families go out they spend money.

Duck/bird islands

One of the most popular exhibits--the polar bear

You take a picture of one, you have to take a picture of the other.

nice placement of the sign...

The little toy Sydney chose to take along today was a little pony.  There were a lot of farm animals at the zoo and sure enough we came across a horse to which she exclaimed, "It matches!"

Again difference in culture...There were signs everywhere which I assume said something like don't feed the animals or touch them or whatever.  The guy in green dumps his food for the zebra so everyone can jump over the barrier to pet him.  We were amongst the crowd and Sydney got to pet the zebra.  When in Rome...

Scott got to pet the camel.

There was a bunch more we didn't get around to seeing but after a few hours fighting the masses of people we were all ready to call it quits. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Victory Park

After a rainy weekend we headed out Monday to Victory Park.  I've included info on the park at various points of the post.  Sorry, I don't feel like summarizing the info tonight :o)

Victory Park was completed in 1995 to celebrate the 50th aniversary of the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War.
Victory Park was built on Poklonnaya Gora, the highest hill in Moscow. This was also the hill Napolean watched from as his army surrounded Moscow in 1812.

Right out of the it a working clock?  Yes, yes it is.

Victory Park
"The central avenue is called "Years of War": It has five terraces, symbolizing the five years of conflict, and there are 1,418 fountains - one for every day."

 "It runs past a memorial chapel, mosque, and synagogue to the circular Victors' Place, which has a triangular obelisk soaring 150 meters and surmounted by a statue of Nike, the Goddess of Victory. Behind this lies the crescent-shaped Museum of the Great Patriotic War, which gives a detailed but staid overview of Russia's appalling loses and eventual victory."

On the other side of the monuments is a park which we walked through.

A fenced in museum of sorts runs up along the park.  You can view planes, tanks, weapons through the fence.

But perhaps the most important thing learned today was that this sign means Men's Restroom.